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R.P.S. Corporation

Machine Warranty Registration

Fields outlined in red and marked by an * are required.
End User Company Name:*
End User Contact Name:*
End User Job Description:*
End User Address:*
End User City/State:*
End User Country:
End User Zip:*
End User Phone:*
End user Email:*
Serial #:*
Terms of Acceptance:
  • I have received copies of the Operators and Parts manuals applicable to this machine and understand that they contain important information about the safe use and proper maintenance of this machine.
  • I understand that all operators must read, understand and follow the instructions in the Operators Manual, and agree they will be trained in the safe use of this machine in accordance with the warnings and instructions provided on the machine and contained in the Operator’s Manual provided with the machine prior to operating it.
  • I am authorized to make the foregoing acknowledgments on behalf of the End User indicated above and on behalf of my company am authorized to submit this Warranty Registration.
End User Representative (Electronic Signature):*
Installing Distributor:*
Installing Distributor Branch:*
Master Distributor (International Only):
Install Date:*
Installed By Email:*
Installed By Name:*
Installed By (Signature):*